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Revise: 04-01-2024 22:22

Brand Part Nbr, Comments Qa-lity Production year Price 
NXP  LS1020AXN7KQB Chip 300 22+ ~55 USD

delivery until the end of August 2024

pickup or delivery to our warehouse in Guangzhou, China
Payment after ready confirmed stock to ship.

We buy only ready-to-ship stocks and before paying, our transport agent checks if you have them and only after that we make the payment and he picks them up from you directly from the warehouse or office, he can also buy them from you on the spot in cash or bank translation, in some cases, when buying directly from distributors, we pay for a pre-made order or placing it at the manufacturer's factory. so you do not need to offer us "air" only real physical supplies that you have in stock!

Please indicate:
1. Cost of each model for want of of indicated consignment of the order.
2. Full specification on this model, country of manufacturing, complete set, version software, etc..
3. Condition of payment and delivery.
4. Other additional information, which you can grant.


Please make your offer's!

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